G2 Launch Is A Failure - What HP Needs To Do Now (MRTV)

I was talking about the delays.

But to address those issues: Many consumer products will face issues like this at the start. My $20K car for example had a camshaft lobe that had the pesky problem of shearing off and killing the engine. (This happened to me). Was I irate at the company for allowing the defect to happen? No, because mistakes happen, and as long as no one is getting hurt by the problem and they make amends, there's no injustice there. They issued a recall and anyone who had the issue got it fixed under warranty. This is how things work. This is how the motherboard problem will be worked out. They will get sorted out or those people will get refunds.

So yes, if people are expressing vocal anger about the motherboard issue, they are being dramatic too IMO. Your expensive videogame toy not working on day one is a first world problem annoyance, nothing more. Certainly not the grave injustice some people make it out to be.

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