G7 can’t turn a blind eye to ecocide in the Amazon - Leaders must ask themselves if Jair Bolsonaro’s destructive attitude to the forest and its peoples should be considered a crime. The fires in the Amazon remind us this is not just a crime against nature but a crime against humanity.

Just look to other comments from people like you.

" We should invade brazil, turn amazon like Antarctica"

For fuck sake amazon forest covers 50% of Brazil territory's, if you know the current plans to taken amazon from Brazil you will find what i'm talking about.


About indigenous people.

Most of them live in large protected reserves, the government don't ordered to kill anyone, the government doens't have any company to cut down trees in amazon, the laws against deforastation are still in use, the thing that changed is that we are in a economic crisis and people that are cutting trees are farmers and illegal loggers that are doing this TO SURVIVE, even they know that they are wrong, they need to eat. This is the reason that deforastation started to grown again, is natural that a country in crisis, people that doesn't have a formal job make illegal things.

Other thing, bolsonaro say a lot of shit but he does nothing that actually fuck with enviroment or people. He even doens't have power to that.

" Because he sayed that he doesn't care to indigenous people"

Yeah you don't care too, you are just saying this but you don't actually help in nothing so far.

Other thing, USA financed ditactorships in all latin america, this is why mostly of latin america hate USA and Europe, and we have strong alliances within ourselves, mercosul is not just an economic block, its like NATO, trump don't ordered to invade Venezuela because BRAZIL don't wanted that, even when Argentina attacked malvinas Brasil said that if Britain actually invade Argentina in the continent we going to war against Britain.

Of course he can do this, but this will be an political disaster if he invades with Brazil not allowing them to do, making an entire continent against USA, we don't want any foreign countrys in latin america and the final word is with Brasil. We are not like middle east that are mostly countrys in their own.

And to end, Bolsonaro already sended help to amazon forest to put of the fire, even he saying that he doesn't care, 40 000 thousand soldiers are going to there in the next months but no media is talking about that because they are biased and this whole thing is to make people like you against our government...

But even they don't want anyone in our country and they don't know how about a sanction will cause even more crisis.

And even europe country's that are supporting actions against Brasil are doing this because of politics and economics because they are against Mercosul-EU deal.

/r/Futurology Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com