Gabbie Hanna is unhinged

She is broken. It's clear by a number of her more recent TikToks. It's hard to tell what the biggest contributing factor is. While this TikTok might have been exaggerated or enhanced by drugs (or the lack thereof), looking at a number of her most recent TikToks...

It almost seems like she's got a weird savior complex. It's as though she believes and is continuously disappointed that her intentions and hopes aren't coming to pass - and she can't reconcile this basic shit with her faith.

I don't really much about her - but has she always been vocally religious?

I've always seen her career as a desperate attempt to be "mainstream famous". She does too much - and most of it is mediocre. I'm just curious as to whether this could be a faith-based breakdown -- or if her appeals to God and faith these days is simply another desperate attempt to hold on to relevancy... As we all know that in the last ditch effort by celebrities desperate to remain relevant is often - at least recent - to shift to the right and get all the dumb-dumbs who simply like you because they believe you agree with their bullshit.

Regardless, this is very sad to see - and I hope she seeks help and realizes that marginal success can be just as sweet if you're willing to embrace it.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link -