@Gaijin Y'all really balanced the M4A3E2 into 5.3? (Rant)

I'm not saying Germany Suffers™. Germany is fine and I never made a claim otherwhise. Uptiers are the problem. I'm making fun of people for complaining that the Sherman is now actually balanced between downtier stomps and uptier suffering like all the other 5.3 heavies.

And yes, the Pershing is hard to deal with in a tiger. At range (where the tiger is most useful) penning a hull down Pershing from the front (which most Pershing square like to do) is basically a gamble between explosion and hitting a random protrusion that turns the angle of impact into 0°.

In a city brawl it's much easier because of flanking and cover but that's a stupid thing to base an argument on because there are plenty of tier 2 tanks that can handle a tier 5 brawl reasonably well. I've killed IS2s and super pershings with an F2 on city maps.

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