I gained back the 30lb I lost, the second time trying 1,200 is harder

This is exactly where I’ve been! Four years ago I lost 54 lbs to get to my goal weight in 4 months. I was so motivated and never even had the urge to have cheat days, it was crazy looking back. I kept it off for almost two years but went through a really stressful situation and started emotional eating and packed on 35 lbs. Around August of last year I started counting again and lost 20 lbs. Then started a desk job and gained that back. I’ve tried unsuccessfully every single month to start and end up bingeing and give up. Until last week I actually got on the scale and realized I was 11 pounds heavier than my first starting weight 4 years ago. That somehow flipped a switch and I feel a lot different this time. I was down 7 lbs this morning, most of that I’m sure water weight, but I can’t wait to get back to where I feel good about myself. I’ve been having chest pains and can’t even get comfortable when sleeping, ugh. Anyway, all of that is to say I completely feel you. Getting over that emotional and mental hurdle is the hardest part. I believe in you!

/r/1200isplenty Thread