Galactic War Revamp/Sandbox Mode

Here’s another, much easier idea to implement: let guilds run intra-guild TWs at any time.

This does a few things:

1) Gives people what they want: the chance to experiment with new team comps against real opposition

2) Allows for feedback on those comps from guildmates

3) Limits the new coding CG has to do. Ideally, guilds would be able to choose the number of territories, impose roster limitations, and set the time limits, but to make things easy, just make it an exact replica of the current format, with the one new feature being a team selection screen (give officers the ability to have the servers do the matchmaking, let users pick their own teams on a first-come-first-serve basis, or have them all assigned by officers).

4) Removes the conundrum about what rewards are appropriate. If this is intra-guild, most people would be more than happy to do it for fun and bragging rights.

There you go, CG. We would all stop bugging you about this tomorrow. Just whip up a team selection screen and drop this in, and I would be thrilled, as would a lot of other folks. This would be a fantastic tool for all players, allow people to tackle it at their own desire, and require minimal lift on your end.

/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes Thread