Galway man, Damien Browne, has become the 1st person in history to row fro Nee York to Galway. Let’s celebrate this amazing achievement!

Most people who died with "COVID inside their bodies" didn't even die from COVID itself but from other things. Hospitals had the financial incentive to label a death as COVID because of bonuses. The numbers are inflated.

Also, the government works hand in hand with the vaccine companies and pharmaceutical industry. Whole goal was to inflate death counts and covid severity, avoid early ambulatory treatment (which is why non profitable generic drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were demonized, even though the data shows clear effectiveness) and to push vaccines as the "only aid". Anyone who's not blind can also tell that the whole "vaccine side effects" are not as rare as they say.

Anyone who knows anything about the pharmaceutical industry knows that they falsify data to push drugs and therapies, making them seem safer than they really are.

People are living in absolute delusion thinking the government and these companies actually give a shit about their safety and their health. COVID and the vaccines were one giant test to see how much control people would be willing to give up. And since most people nowadays are weak and can't think for themselves, they give it up pretty easily, under the delusion that it's for a greater cause.

"COVID, vaccines, mandates, masks, control, shutting down free speech, cancelling people, censorship, LGBTQ." It's all the same liberal retardation and brainwashing to give the government more power and control over people. Oh and almost forgot to mention the worst of all, TikTok. No better way to keep people under control than to have them mindlessly scrolling through an app easily entertained by absolute bullshit.

I advise you check out Brigham Buhler who goes in depth on the atrocities the pharmaceutical industry has committed and how they only report about 1% of actual side effects and how they can give us experimental drugs without any human trials, which is what's happening currently with the new omicron vaccine.

But the funny thing is 90% of people are going to call me crazy and a conspiracy theorist or a nutcase because they are so brainwashed and oblivious to the world around them, that when they see the truth they don't even believe it cause their idea of the world has been so skewed by media and all the programming in this world.

It's all about fitting in with the rest of society and being politically correct. People are afraid to voice their opinions in fear of being judged or considered different. I like to call them sheep.

I'm not saying COVID isn't real. I'm just saying the system was set up in a clear way for anyone to see, but because people are blind it flew right over most of their heads. Inflating COVID severity and death count and ruining the reputation of generic drugs which could help COVID had one job and one job only. To push vaccines.

This resulted in the death count and severity of COVID being exaggerated and the side effects of vaccines to be swept under the rug. One thing people aren't realizing is the flu literally disappear during the whole COVID ordeal. People are so blind. It's actually sad.

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