Gambit Feedback Request

  1. Light vs light. Please for the love of god change this.

  2. Enhanced rolls on armor would be amazing, another reason for people to play and it would still take a while to get the pieces that you want.

  3. Change up some gear or weapon types would be nice to work for. Fusion would be amazing.

  4. Some more boss mechanics to slow down the 5 second melt stacks can do, making the matches a little more interesting. No I'm not refering to just boss immunity mode plz.

  5. Yeah group play is fun, the mode shines with solos. Really interesting matches that seem to much closer.

  6. Game mode that has spawnable random heavy, in place of ammo. Make invades or clearing interesting and limit ammo so it doesnt make it OP. Similar to the floating rocket launchets on Titans PE.

  7. 3v3v3 mode

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread