this game is so draining mentally...and not in a good way.

I've uninstalled the game this morning from my console, it's just broken me.

I moved over to PC last summer and while PC is better in regards to smurf I can tell you it's not the holy land by any means. Game is just as toxic and bad, just in a different way.

so there is a lot of unpredictability and lack of teamwork)

...and this is something they should have fixed seasons ago. What this game needs is more consistency.

When I play CS:GO, I know I belong to the rank I'm at, I know what to expect from my teammates at that rank and I know what to expect from the enemy players at that rank.

In OW? I've had so many games where in one team there is a Rein that actually can make space for his team, in the other team is a melee only Rein that never has his shield up and does nothing to charge in, die, respawn, charge in, die, respawn, rinse and repeat.

In one team you have a D.Va that is peeling like her life does depend on it, keeps engaging the enemy Pharah, does top notch D.Va the other team is a D.Va that doesn't even dare to leave the backline where she's trying to "snip" from far away, then complains about everyone else being "bad" because she has gold elims with her 1 diggit trash damage numbers from halfway across the map.

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