So is This Game Dying?

IDK. If TurquoiseLink decides to play some other game for an income, best of luck to him there, too. IDK what his "personal" reasons for deciding to play this game casually were, but if he can go on playing other games with ease, alright then.

For me, "personal reasons" translates to I wasn't pulling my weight around the house in my daylong-armchair-do-what-i-please-"profession", and had to get a job. Where bosses scold me for not scrubbing blood-wax off the meat-shelf fast enough, etc. An altogether OKAY gig though, if you can get over scrubbing blood-wax maybe twice a week.

It pays though, and before bitching about it, I'd recommend any professional card player to get a purse and take it to Vegas first. That's what the traditional professional card player does. This excludes Kripp, of course. He's a Blizzard slob. He may be vegan, but he'll die years before any customer of mine. Look at the grotesque posture on that creature, in the rare moments he's captured in media away from his computer. Absolutely nothing to aspire to, in my limited estimation.

/r/elderscrollslegends Thread