The Game Industry and the Importance of Diverse Exchange.

Have to provide a rebuttal. I understand the general message you're trying to send but I think it paints a very simplified view of something I feel is a much bigger problem that expands beyond GG. You say that what's happening now is a symptom of a bad industry, but I think that downplays the harm that SJWs are inflicting upon all forms of creative media and political discourse in modern society.

Two types of bats can live side by side because one eats one type of fruit and the other one is specialized differently. this has to happen based on Gause's Law. Both GamerGate and Social Justice Warriors want the benefits of a diverse set of niches in the game industry.

This is not an accurate analogy. What's happening here is that there are two bats, both with different specializations, but one of the bats is essentially repeatedly whacking at the bat that got to the cave first trying to force that first bat to specialize in the same thing the second bat did. Then that second bat brings in all its other friends and continually tries to undermine the first bat's attempt at existing.

I'm sure you're aware of this, but GG does support extremist views (even that of SJWs) to exist in video games. We value freedom of speech and expression. What we do NOT support (and is happening outside of GamerGate) is oppression of dissenting views and/or the call out culture of SJWs to shame developers to prevent them from making the game they want.

We are also fervently against underhanded cronyism and favoritism that these "journalists" and certain game "developers" have been undergoing. I don't think a complete economic reform of the game industry is going to 100% fix the issue of the SJWs' "means justifies the ends" behavior. It may fix some of it and possibly prevent them from gaining influence, but I think the scope of what we're fighting against lies far greater than the gaming industry itself.

As you are aware, similar tactics have been undertaken in already established industries and other communities out there - movie, comics, books, D&D, BDSM, Atheism, etc. Things that don't even involve industry or economics are getting affected by this, and until the more sane parts of the left are blatantly aware of the tactics of these extremists, this is only going to affect other established spaces and cause unnecessary drama and splits amongst these spaces.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread