This game is a nightmare for new players

Hey man, I read your post and seen your comment about Nocturne. I've played League of Legends since season 2 about 5 years of experience, I own every champion and know every ability. This game takes a long time to master and when I first played it was an not even the same game it is today, the game changes every patch (champion buffs/nerfs, item buffs/nerfs, new items, etc.) The "META" is always changing and experienced players will play champions that are strong in the current "META". I'd advise you to watch the LCS streams on to learn more about the game and how pro players play, this taught me so much when I was a "noob" to league. Watching pro players stream and watching pro play really helps you understand the game. Don't let toxic "smurfs" ruin the game for you, just mute them and try to find nice players, add them and ask for advice. Read the patch notes so you stay up to date with the current meta. The game changes very fast and I honestly miss how it used to be because now it is very fast pace and unforgiving. But it is still a great game, don't give up. It takes a lot of time, I would suggest "maining" certain champs and get very good at them so you can atleast keep up with real players since low levels is now FULL of smurfs (nothing you can do about it) majority of players are level 30 by now playing ranked. The game is half way through season 6 (7 years old) The faster you realize these "toxic smurfs" are low lifes the better you will be. Don't listen to them just mute them and focus on your own play. Please watch LCS and pro player streams because this really taught me how to play the game when I was a beginner. Also I forgot Nocturne was even in the game lol since he is not good in the current meta, he used to be a god. Lol I use to keep up with what Pro Players are building on champions, its a very good website to learn item paths and ability level ups. Stick in there! and try to find a group of people that will help you level up to make it more enjoyable. Have a good one, there are plenty of great people that play this game. Cya in ranked soon. Cheers

/r/leagueoflegends Thread