Game Over For Toys R Us: Chain Going Out Of Business

ted to be able to have a reason to spend all this money he wasn't used to having. He decided we should head over to the TR'U and get some fun shit to do while I was visiting. We were browsing the aisles when we came across the Star Wars aisle. Episode One had just come out and we were both pretty psyched on it. Then we saw it. Darth Maul's badass double bladed lightsaber. It was the coolest fucking thing we had ever seen. My uncle decided right then and there that he was buying two and we were going to have some fucking badass lightsaber fights while I was in town. He even said I could keep mine. It was my most prized possession until some piece of shit neighbor kid stole it and then lied about it to mine and my parents' faces and even got his parents to back him up. There was nothing I could do to get it back. Fuck you Nick you motherfucking shiteater. I know you took my fucking lightsaber when I went to the bathroom you lying piece

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