A Game ruined by an OPG player

When I invited you to come by my stream, did I say you should because I was female or anything of sorts? You mentioned in game you didn't like OPG from what you had seen and like you had said I said that not everyone fits the stereotype that's been placed on us. I could've said straight off the bat negative things however I was merely offering a window for you to reconsider your general view.

I have never advertised myself under the premise of being female as a draw card to my stream. If people don't believe I'm female I offer it as proof but never as a draw card. I will be the first to admit I get very defensive when it's ensued that I have gotten to where I am or am treated one way because of my gender. I invite people to my stream under the premise of enjoying and sharing CV play and having a bit of fun, not because I'm female.

I get mad on occasion, get heated in the moment, but who doesn't. I don't agree with everything that other members of OPG say but my viewpoint has always been judge the individual for who they are, not by the actions of another.

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