This game has some of the friendliest players I’ve ever seen

And remember to play the game for fun, not for meta.

We don't need more toxic meta runners who laugh at the people they once were themselves.

Take your time, do all the quests, and if an Event is too tough, or you don't like it, just skip it entirely. Don't force yourself to do what others do, and play the game your way.

You could try to do Raids, but the loot is abysmal 99% of the time, and you will be carried by the others, anyways. Strikes and such are fun, even with randoms, but the chances are high that there, also, you will be carried by someone with god tier gear and experience.

And in Raids, people expect you to know what to do, noone has the time to explain, or at least, noone wants to, so THERE you will find the toxic people who might boot you, randomly. It also counts as toxic to not communicate in ANY event, and not even giving visual hints.

What I did a few times, is take a fellow noob who was holding arc charges in his arm, and walk to the place he is supposed to go to, and making noise, shooting at the target location, etc. - that has worked so far, but then you have people who: Don't want to make a childishly easy event heroic, despite SIX people standing ready. For example.

The only time you really need help, is when doing EP and NH, and strikes, because you have no clue where to go, at first, or what to expect. But just leaning back, tagging along works. We never talk during the Menagerie for example, we just roll through it.

You only really need comms during Raids, because of the complex mechanics, and because some people want to be the leader types and some of them want to cheese the event...

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