GAME THREAD: Rangers (37-37) @ Yankees (40-32) - June 25, 2017

It's sissifying the game of baseball. It's not even baseball anymore.

This sport has turned into bounce-castle safe space that makes ping pong look like a contact sport. It's frustrating to watch talented athletes play at their peak abilities who aren't allowed to deliberately hurt each other in very necessary ways.

Manfred should immediately be recalled for his pandering to the lamest common denominator--"fans" who prefer Little League millionaires to shake hands and be nice and not blindside very padded smaller linebackers called catchers.

Actual argument? How bout you come up with an argument for keeping this horse shit t-ball rules intact. What, your precious players can't take a little beating? Maybe they should've gone to school and majored in some STEM shit (the only real major, if we're being honest).

These cucks with bats have no soul if they want to play this SJWafied game. Who is it who complained about this shit anyway, probably some white knight Bernie-bot supporter?

If a real man was elected like Trump or Hillary, you'd never see this happen.

It's part of the game and I'm tired seeing the best sport on earth degrade into glorified slapass. That's it, fuck this subreddit, I'm going back to r/mlb.

/r/NYYankees Thread