In Game of Thrones, S8E4, you can clearly see a Starbucks cup in one scene. This is a subtle nod to how the show runners literally don’t give a fuck anymore.

I wasn't being all that serious, to be fair.

But, Starbucks is a megacorporation at this point and they are pretty desperate for exposure by default. All megacorporations are. The new age advertisement strategies aren't as much about selling a product, it's about incepting people with the idea of the product, or getting them obsessed with something disruptive to the norm. Disruption is one of the new strategies that boost public awareness. I wouldn't be surprised if the new 'Sonic the Hedgehog' design is an example of this, look at how many people came out of the woodwork to defend the original design, then they buckled and said 'we listened, it'll change'.

That was easy.

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