GAme vs tv show.

No not really. I'm just saying that there's too much moping around and useless/unwanted scenes. Here's an example. First 10 minutes of episode of 1 (s4) was interesting then boring scenes where they just walk around talking about stupid shit. Then the ending was pretty good. This tends to occur with every episode. Even for s4e3 (which has been a vast improvement btw) had some unnecessary shit like that scene where you had to choose a light and name the bomb or the scenes where it's Clem and that dumb kid.

Now I'm not hating, I love the game and I'm sticking through the end, but there's moments where I just sigh and look at my phone while they talk about stupid shit.

"ChroHniC mAsturbAtioN!!!"

"EveRy oNe wiLl reMemBer thAt"

Now people may argue that s2 of the show was bland too, yes but every scene had meaning. Rick Shane Lori love triangle. Fear of Herschel kicking them out. Lori pregnant. This is where ppl started to like Daryl and carol more. Killing the living. Dale. And nothing from telltale can ever beat Shane's death.

But I do have high hopes on telltale. Even though it's shutting down.

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