Is this game worth playing if I know what happens?

Interesting. Do you think what you feel is the end result of everything? Because sometimes I do think so.

What you think, you can always control that - by education, by rationale, by morale, etc. Your thought is not you, sometimes. You can think reasonably, but what you feel - you can't wholly control that. What do you think?

I sound too grave for this sub, I know. But since this game is so fucked up and since this game is about psychotic mentality going beyond innocent looking school girls, I thought, maybe my pseudo philosophy could've accepted as legitimate here.

Also, do you think that is what's going on under Japanese anime? Because what I know about Japanese anime is, it's about making money. So they tend to focus on boobs, sex, highschool girls, etc. There are some really nice animes based on comic books, though. But I wonder what kind of anime westerners watch in general. Because anime-watching westerners are like sometimes real freaks.

Otakus are not well respected in Asian culture. Because no one acts like them and people realize that even though comic books contain some amount of truth and sometimes can be an accurate mirror of society and its problem, it's only focusing on one side of the story and everyone knows it's too childish to, say, make an important judgment based on it.

Can Japanese supreme court consult comic books before making a judgment? If the judge doesn't know that much about that case, because s/he never heard of the situation before. The answer is of course no. It's only happening in comic book or anime creator's heads and in real life, things can be really different. Maybe the gap between the comic book/anime and reality can be different based on how well experienced and well balanced thought the creators are and have. But it's not the Truth, what Jesus said. (sorry for mentioning Jesus)

So otakus, tend to be living in their own jail. And no one wants to be invited.

/r/DDLC Thread Parent