GamerGate Launched in My Apartment - a GamerGate origin story

"Gamergate is a movement to call out media on its misrepresentation of Gamergate."

I'm glad we agree on that. Unfortunately based on what I've seen, the consensus on GG is right on the money. It's a big Streisand Effect, a group of people who suddenly decided they were being attacked when people wrote articles telling the Burgers and Fries types to stop harassing women for being sluts. Then it hit this anti-SJW sentiment and spiraled into what we have here today. I mean, harassment and trolling are longstanding issues in game culture, especially towards women (this is called "misogyny"). Why is activism against this issue somehow opposed to your goals?

You're effectively stating that a harassment victim must be silenced before you can accomplish your goals. It seems like there must be another way. Maybe do some outreach? Do something to actually combat online harassment? Stop excusing, condoning, or denying the treatment of public figures like Anita Sarkeesian who have the FBI on speed dial just in case someone calls in another goddam bomb threat on them?

GG's made it pretty clear that they're not necessarily pro-harassment, but they're very anti-anti-harassment. Because that's SJW-y, apparently. Apparently Quinn's lying when she says that a group called Gamergate spread a slut shaming thread about her and continues to have an obsession with her every Tweet and she's also received fuck tons of significant harassment since GG's obsession with her began.

Your movement started with a slut shaming thread. What image do you have to salvage?

Eh, I'm getting off topic. A movement whose primary focus is on their own image is kind of shitty. You either have to ask yourself why you have this image (hint: it's because of all the obsessive threads about private women, the support from fringe groups like Stormfront and /baph/, and your origin in a slut-shaming thread) or what you can do to improve it.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread Parent