Gamer's, whats the strangest encounter you've had with players online?

Might be a little late to the party.

I used to make videos on call of duty, some that I'm not so proud of and others that I'm certainly not proud of. But in these videos I would "troll" people by getting them to put their mother or father on the mic, it was incredibly childish and I have grown up since then.

Anyway after doing this for several months and starting to get quite a big following on YouTube I decided to keep doing it and I have heard some pretty fucked up shit through the microphone of strangers online. Keep in mind all of these videos are public on YouTube, and some were on some very big channels back in the day. The stuff I engaged on my immature adventures online definitely changed me, for instance many parents hitting children. Which I felt so bad for because clearly it my fault and I couldn't tell them that it was a poor and immature joke.

And there was also some humour to what I did, I would occasionally have the Mothers of the children playing the game trying to "chat me up" whilst recording. And even some that were more memorable and would fill with rage and go off on me for 5 minutes calling me every name under the sun.

But there was one, one encounter that made me quit what I was doing, I don't really feel comfortable saying it, especially if no one will see this. But it certainly changed the way I thought, and it's not a very happy story.

/r/AskReddit Thread