./Games - A Native Linux Gaming Celebration

Things like, alt-tabbing, why the fuck is that different, can't we make that standard. Please. :(

I'll pass on the standardization. I am complaining that Linux and Apple mostly copy Windows for games. Linux nor Apple has anything that beats Windows when it comes to games, games designed that only run on those systems and offer unique titles like PC did in the past, before Windows joined the console crowd and now our unique games are multi-platform mediocrity.

If some Developers came out with some next level MMO only for Linux, taking advantage of some special things you can only do with that OS and how hardware works with it then I would join their team. The Windows games market is oversaturated and nothing is special, people have a huge backlog of STEAM games. Something that raised the bar a good deal above whats out there. Standardization is something I am pushing away from concerning games and hardware designed for it. I am trying to get away from the sludge.

/r/pcgaming Thread Parent Link - youtube.com