Games that deserve to win are games that are appreciated and well received by both critics and players.

I completely disagree, FF7 story was just mediocre. I had no interest in what was going on. no connection to the characters. in fact they all got on my bloody nerves. And the way the story is told with this very child like attitude is just laughable. And like I said the voice acting is cheesy as hell. GOT was a bit different it started it out kind of good, but I slowly realised, I dont care, about anything. Jin has to be one of the most dull characters I've ever played as in videogame, I don't remember anyones name, and I never made it past the second area out of pure boredom.TLOU2 however even now as im replaying the game im hanging on every word, every cutscene or dialogue moment is just spot on, the atmosphere is just his thick blanket of emotions, its just absolutely incredible. And to think I was actually going to skip TLOU2. Side note : I think Nioh 2 should of won best action game. that game was great. And even though No mans Sky absolutely deserves the award, I'm wondering when Warframe will get some recognition, that game has come one hell of a long way since release.

/r/TheLastOfUs2 Thread Link -