Games Workshop want more women playing 40k, how can they increase interest without alienating existing players?

How wpuld you feel if people eyed you through the store all the time? Feeling like they'd watch your ass the moment you turn around?

I wouldn't care at all because I'm not all that worried about what other people are doing, as long as they are not attacking me or trying to take my possessions. Looking at someone is not assault and feeling 'uncomfortable' is the least of my worries. If that's the worse thing that happens to you in your day, you're pretty lucky to live the life you do. Congrats!

I know how men can look at girls.

So? Again, looks don't do any harm unless you let them. I've seen the way that women can look at men, too! No different. Don't give other people the power to ruin your day. Never be a victim.

I have been in and around 'nerd/geek/gaming' culture my whole life and I've never seen anyone act the way that you have described. Not saying it didn't happen, just that it's very rare as far as I can tell. I have been married for 15 years and my wife (who has come with me to everything from GW stores to comic book conventions) has never experienced any situation where she was made to feel uncomfortable by gawking men. Now at the gym, that's a different story. Still, she doesn't go to pieces when it happens (she doesn't run out of the gym and she goes back the next day). She's a beautiful and strong woman who has been through far worse that starring, sweaty nerds and doesn't let the actions of others determine how her day is going to turn out. She doesn't need "her man" to protect her. She's an adult who can stand up for herself (that's what real feminism is all about). Women are people and not infants. It kind of drives me nuts when people act or imply otherwise.

Sorry for the rant. Not trying to have any argument, just a friendly, but frank, discussion. I think we may see things differently due to culture or more likely age. I'm guessing that you are under 30 (I might be wrong) and I've noticed that your generation's reaction to things can sometimes be different than mine. It's always a good idea to keep these things in mind. Thanks!

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