GamesRadar FFXV Video Preview: It's been fascinating so far.

I have not seen anyone who has played the 15 hour preview say anything bad about the game. They all seem to enjoy it so much. This makes me beyond happy. I haven't followed a game this closely since Tales of Xillia and even with its obvious flaws, everything I saw I liked - especially the characters - and I ended up loving the hell out of that game so much, it became my favourite in the Tales series (my first playthrough went to almost 100 hours and replayed it way too many times).

I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen with XV. So far I love everything I've seen from the footage to the extended media. It'll take a lot to surpass IX as my favourite, but it'll probably become one of my favourite titles in the series. I mean it already looks so much better than XIII-2 and that game is one of my favourites too. It was flawed and the story was convoluted, but man, I loved the characters and gameplay so much. For XV, it really helps that I also prefer action-based battles over turn-based.

Can it just be November 29th already!! I. Am. So. Hyped!!

/r/FFXV Thread Link -