[Gaming] Ian Miles Cheong - "Criticizing The Indie Game ‘Virginia’ Makes You A Racist Misogynist" (contains spoilers)

You're not allowed to just not like something anymore, people don't admit that "hey, I love this thing. But this thing might not be for everyone".

Eh fuck all that noise...stop worrying about what other people think so much :) I know that's easier said then done, but seriously, stop worrying so much about what others think.

Dark Souls isn't for me....I've tried with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 and I will humbly admit that I'm just not good enough for those games. I just don't have the patience to learn the rhythm of when and where to attack.

So I admit that those games just aren't for me and that I probably should "git good" but don't want to. But I would never argue for those games to change to suit my tastes. They appeal to their audience and that's fine, more power to them....but I know those games aren't my cup of tea and I'm fine with that.

I get it all the time; "oh you call yourself a gamer but you don't like Dark Souls?"...just rolls right off my back every time I get it.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent Link - heatst.com