Gang Gang Benefiting from a Human Wizard and Wild Card does nothing..

Your ignorant as fuck jigga. He did this in both servers to benefit GG, 365 fob, 188 after you got your shit pushed in... We and as for emptying the base it was pretty much popcorned. You guys legit have some amazing luck if you honestly going to try and say this human wizard isnt affiliated with GG what so ever..

If this is someone who just hates YSS, than why hasnt he done it to all our servers eh? Only when it would absolutely benefit you.

The cheating ON BOTH sides has gotten out of hand and yah honestly everyone should be punished for it.. But one person cheating against 5 cheaters shouldnt cause a dev wipe.. One person meshing shouldnt cause a dev wipe. Duping 1000 meks as u claim we do, or the same blue prints as we claim you do, yah sure should cause a dev wipe.. But sitting there and taking advantage of an already fucked situation by raiding a base that was hi jacked should definitely have cause for dev wipe. Especially when both hi jackings benefited you guys.. Shit isnt just pure luck, just like you guys dont exploit or cheat or anything.. But mmmmkkk

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