Gary Johnson "Aleppo'd" again. How does not being able to name a foreign leader he respects impact Johnson's campaign ?

Yeah, the standard line for bullshitting this would be, "Well, I don't agree with a lot that [name] has done, but I admire [any single even remotely positive factoid you know about them]."

"Well, I don't agree with much that Putin has done, but I admire his abs."

"Well, I don't agree with much that Trudeau has done, but he's got this passionate spark that the young have."

"Well, I don't agree with everything that Merkel has done, but she's been an inspiring example of a female leader on the world stage."

Follow up question: "Okay, what don't you agree with that [name] has done?"

The answer to this (while knowing little to nothing about what the leader has done) is to choose one of your policies that this person cannot possibly have supported using your bare knowledge of their political leanings. Then you expound (at length) on how you would be great on this policy.

I have a very bare minimum knowledge about global politics but I've certainly watched American politicians answer things for long enough to know how to correctly bullshit.

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