gave Jacob a simple escort job, couldn't even do that smh

I laughed and then I thought..."oh, Jacob". So..let's talk Jacob.

I have a lot of issues with the way people respond to Jacob...because I LIKE Jacob BUT I feel like his character was an afterthought. In other words, he had a lot of potential for depth that we never saw. To me, it felt like Miranda, Thane, Jack, and Mordin were intended to be the main "new" characters in ME2 (to coexist with our loves - Garrus, Tali, etc) and then the developers went "oh, f@@@" - what if someone does not like Miranda/Jack or Thane since Mordin is not a romance option? We need a proxy Kaidan/Ashley". Thus...Jacob was born.

I say this as someone who always does FemShep (praise be our goddess Jennifer Hale), I always felt Jacob was written to fill the character gaps from ME1 and put in an additional romance option for female Sheps. If so, meh. The thing is IMHO...the FemShep/Garrus romance is the best if you are are doing a m/f romance.

Other than that...if you are playing male Shep...Jacob is just there. In my time playing male shep, my "bros" are Garrus, Wrex, and (to an extent) Mordin". I digress....but it makes it feel like Jacob was a "obvious option" for a FemShep romance. Just look that the facial expressions they have FemShep do when she interacts with Jacob on the Normandy. WTF, Shep? Unless you have an interest in Jacob, her reactions make ZERO sense.

The long story feels like Jacob is just boring if you do not want to romance him. Sorry but it is how I feel...

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