I Gave up Reservation in a Competitive Exam. And It Made Me Proud.

It's our right so we don't suicide bomb your ass

Thanks, I guess. And now that we are doing things just so we don't get suicide bombed, we should perhaps agree to terrorists demands too. /s

If it weren't for reservations, 300 million Dalits might be questioning their religious affiliations.

LOL Wait. So their religious affiliations have nothing to do with gods or faith or whatever? It is because being religiously affiliated gets them reservations? They believe so they can get into IITs. lol

The OBCs have their own gods too that have separate origins from mainstream hinduism.

So pray to them? or Don't? If mainstream Hinduism doesn't allow people to do that, then start your own religion maybe?

Even BJP won't dare to pull the plug on reservation

Thats because its a political suicide. Not because it is right or wrong.

TL;DR: Good. Let the hate flow through you.

/r/india Thread Parent Link - thebetterindia.com