Gavin just said Anthony was fully exonerated

Quotes I have heard over this in the past.. its amazing the BS people push:

"Right but that still doesn't make sense towards the charges that were filed. That would get Anthony charged with a domestic violence simple assault and battery and it would be thrown out. Instead Ant got charged with a felony and multiple other counts that require actual evidence to be brought to trial. And Dani said that she called the police. The night that all of this was happening people were posting the shit that was going on with Dani's periscope and according to what people said she said she called the police and later, in a periscope that was deleted, the police showed up to Ant's house and then left without arresting him. Hours later (like 6 hours later) they returned to the house on a possible second call and this is when Anthony was finally arrested for strangulation and false imprisonment. The guy was wasted when he was filming for Gavin's show and continued drinking until 10 am. He was in rare form. I'm not putting anything past anyone in that shape. Ant might genuinely not even remember exactly what happened in what order of events. From the way he is talking about his court proceedings and lawyer meetings though it sure sounds like he thinks this is going the distance and if he didn't do anything and had video footage to back himself up he'd have absolutely nothing to worry about."

then even more:

I didn't say anything that wasn't already reported. The police arrived at Ant's house and left and came back hours later and even he said they were apologetic to him and said they were "sorry we have to do this." How many videos do you see of cops saying "sorry we have to do this" to people while they beat them into the ground over a traffic ticket? Ant did get special treatment and even with that he got arrested because the police had to deal with the evidence. The prosecution report isn't a fairy tale. It was a compilation of the evidence acquired that lead to the charges. That is criminal procedure. They reported that a phone was ripped out of the wall (which is something they surely would have noticed) and that Dani had a broken rib which is something they surely would have checked for before reporting. They NEED that information in order to make the charges stick. Without a broken rib they don't have felony charges and without the phone being ripped out of the wall they wouldn't mention that in the report. And he was absolutely in a drunken stupor. He was following her around saying "it's the Ant and Dani show!!!!" while she is running from him screaming. Then 2 seconds later he tells her to get out of his house... and then 2 seconds after that he tries to get her to go sing karaoke. And let's not forget where she said "I wan't you to pay for my fuckin hand you broke" and his response was "it looks like you're moving it." Not "I didn't break your hand." Why didn't he say that? Well most people say he didn't say that because he was too drunk to think of what to say. So now your saying he wasn't that drunk after all. And yes, he is innocent until proven guilty. I give him that same level of "innocent" that he gives people. Evidence looks to be against him so I am skeptical.

TL;DR - One guy had him pegged as a drunken viloent maniac, and hes a "fan".

/r/TACSdiscussion Thread