Gavin Mcinnes vs. Half-baked SJW rhetoric

Oh no! Not one of those dirty pinkos! someone call up the loyalty review board.

whatever that means...

That's...something to be...proud of?

Actually yes, despite the Donald being a complete jack ass, he has changed the game in showing that people could care less about political correctness and are responding to his message. It's quite fascinating actually.

no poll shows Trump "kicking Hillary's ass"

OK, maybe not... but he is certainly beating out the other RePubes and his message is getting a lot more attention that Clinton's in the media for sure.

Oh boy! A paultry 3%! What a travesty affording all those equal rights to people! It's a good thing the rest of the 97% of the country aren't affected in any way, shape or form

Pragmatically it is dumb. it is a States rights issue, not a civil right s issue. To compare issue of whether Steve can declare Bruce on his tax return to blacks being lynched and sprayed with fire hoses in the 60s ins ludicrous and just political correctness gone haywire. In state votes gay marriage has lost every time because the harsh reality is that the 97% don't give a shit about it.

hon, lol.

Whatever you are the shoe fits.

And none of this has anything to do with your nonsensical response about both government corruption occurring at the same time as breakthroughs in technology and changes in civil rights.

No, that was your nonsensical point, not mine...

well yes, like getting married to someone of the same sex, or getting a degree and a job rather than have a kid.

Or making money by exploiting legal loopholes in investment laws

so which generation are you talking about now then? You're all over the map.

Ummm the same one I have been for the last hour??? There are only 2 relevant ones: 18-35 and 36-50. Try and keep up.

it's also funny that you think it's some junior investment banker's job to formulate monetary policy.

hahahahaha... Oh yeah, a "junior investment banker could NEVER do any damage" hahahahahahaha

That somehow choosing a job and a career over homemaking was somehow a mythological land of rainbows and unicorns.

I never implied that. I implied that women who do decide to choose a traditional path are belittled and condemned by their feminist counterparts for doing so.

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