Gay bros over 30 have treated me with more respect than guys my age in their 20s

I mostly chalk it up to a lack of wisdom and maturity. Our generation and those younger may have access to so much knowledge and information at our fingertips, but maturity and life experience isn’t something you can simply learn by reading/watching something off your phone.

One phenomenon with some 20 somethings that I see (not all of them), is this idea that cause we “have our rights” that we don’t need gay pride or don’t need special protections under the law. And don’t understand the gay men who came before us lived their whole lifetimes in the closet and fought for the rights we all enjoy and take for granted. Nor how easily all the progress we’ve made in the last 20 years can be taken away in an instant.

/r/AskGaybrosOver30 Thread