Gay characters in kids shows - Discussion regarding homosexuality in children's entertainment

I wouldn't mind a gay character as much as the portrayal. Before the downvotes, I want to explain. I know homosexuality is a sin, but I don't want to get caught in a Napolean complex thinking I'm any better. I try to see being gay as more of a call to something else (like celibacy) to avoid that. Obviously this type of thinking couldn't work with adultery, fornication, etx. I grew up with the idea of avoiding labeling a homosexual as one since I wouldn't label an infidel as an adulterer.

Sometimes I secretly (although I probably shouldn't?) hope every gay person is actually straight (or no) so they can be attracted to somebody of the correct sex. Now is being gay biological or can they choose? That's a can of worms I'm keeping sealed tight.

Every gay person I've met have been awesome people and I love their energy. I obviously can't agree with their lifestyle but at least I can enjoy them as God's child and a human.

As for TV: I'm all for biracial couples, but not gay ones. However, having a gay character could be positive if used correctly.

I'm sure there are gay middle schoolers and possibly children out there that feel outcasted and although homosexuality is a sin, I do feel like they need at least acknowledgement and support.

Maybe a gay character who tries not to give into the attraction? I don't know how you could address that in a kids show but that's my thought. We don't support your sexuality. But that we support your emotional struggle with it and will try to help you cope with it.

/r/TrueChristian Thread