The Gay Double Standard

I have no evidence but I’ll put money down that the church didn’t track the sexuality of man with wife#2 through wife #7... as long as the public impression was wife #1 (in reality, men divorce the older menopausal woman and stayed with the younger fertile wife) was his civil wife.

So no I don’t think this is a comparison...

However, if you want a comparison then why didn’t the lawyers in the Q15 recommend a petition on the prop8 court with the defense that is based on past case law precedent the definition of one marriage is between one man and one woman shouldn’t be changed to allow same-sex members because of the historical events of the church tried to change the definition and failed. In my non-lawyer opinion This defense would have been more successful then the pseudoscience crap they pitched to the prop 8 court.

/r/exmormon Thread