Gay people of Reddit, what was your "Oh shit I'm gay" moment?

SO! This started in 5th Grade (I'm starting 9th after Summer) I had developed a crush on a classmate. My Girl friend was like "Really? Her?" but onto the moments

So when i confessed my Love for her she said "Sorry.. I don't feel the same way" And i was heartbroken! And after that.. somehow, i had a friend i started to dream about them and i being in a relationship (It was a Guy) and after summer i thought of being in a relation ship with many Guys in my school, some i even got a full crush on! And that's when i realized... "Holy Shit.. I'm gay..." I just came out before Xmas to everyone in my family, all of them accepted me, even my Homophobic Brother! And his girlfriend suddenly thought i was cool for some reason...

/r/AskReddit Thread