GC: What's the point in continuing to debate with admitted rapists & rape sympathizers?

I wasn't around for sextilliondollarbaby's thread but after participating in the response thread, I felt like I needed to maybe take a break from the subreddit for the first time. There are enough horrible things going on in the world right now without adding arguing with someone whose position is literally 'why is sexuality more sacred than some other person's preferences?' to the list.

I don't blame anyone for leaving or taking a step back for awhile. We hear so much about the mental health of the transpeople who participate here, and how it can be so difficult for them to engage with us, and rarely about the impact on the mental health of female GCers. I know it must be severely taxing at times, and these recent threads are extreme examples of that. u/LoveSloane and u/gcaccountbanmefools both wrote great odes to the subreddit, and I think it's important that it keeps running, but I hope every person makes the decision that's best for them and their mental health.

/r/GCdebatesQT Thread