Gear Thread: Week of Apr. 23

My memory is a little fuzzy here...but I have never been that drunk. I ordered the pedals after I started drinking but before I got ripped. Then I kept drinking. I threw up, I was shaking, I tried to take a shower but couldn't even stand up in the shower stall. Then I had to get on the toilet and my bowels just let loose. It was terrible. When I was 17 I had a bad experience with tequila, here it is over 20 years later and I still can't even take the smell of tequila. I'm thinking I just permanently ruined myself on bourbon/whiskey. Which is OK, I've never been a huge fan of it, rum is more my thing. But I am seriously never drinking hard liquor again. I felt so horrible, I got cleaned up (best as I could anyway), and went to bed where I promptly passed out. The next morning I was still drunk, and had to clean up the bathroom sink (where I puked). I was feeling sober (but hungover) by around dinner time, didn't feel normal again for another two days. I really wish I had a breathalyzer, I'm curious was my BAC was. That experience made me decide to give up drinking altogether, because if I buy booze and have it in the house, I wont have just one drink, I will binge. If I'm out with friend or family I will have one beer...very rarely two. But man, if I'm at home by myself, I really don't know how many beers I will drink, cant keep count. And for booze, I will typically go through anywhere from 1/4 - 1/3 of a bottle. I lack self control in certain areas of my life.

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