Geert Wilders Lost Folks. This is a moment we all should step back and realize we are still in the fight of our lives. However, don't be down. Did you think we were going to win this war without some battles lost?

It was a step in the right direction.

Let me explain what happened and why PVV didn't win. Before the election race happened, PVV was by far the biggest party and was expected to win. All the other parties saw this and started a cartel that basically put the PVV in checkmate. All parties came out and said they would never form a coalition with the PVV. This cost the PVV a lot of votes as people felt voting for the party was a ''lost vote''.

What happened now is that the former biggest party stayed the biggest party. The VVD still lost a bunch of seats but sits at 33 as opposed to PVV's 20. VVD is considered a right wing party. They will most likely form a coalition with CDA (right wing) and D66 (left wing).

What the current cabinet is like is 50% right wing (VVD) and 50% left wing (PvdA). So in essence, the next cabinet will be 66% right wing. Like I said, it is a step in the right direction. We all know things need to get a lot worse before they get better and this will be it. Unless Europe does something against the mass influx of economic migrants, people will get fed and soon the PVV will rise. I would classify this as a pyrrhic victory for the right.

Let us hope that France will see that the victory is not as easy as people may think. So to all the French here, get out and vote for Le Pen. It is much easier for you guys to get her into power.

/r/The_Donald Thread