"Gen rushing isn't real"

Man. There are games wher you spawn in. Walk to first gen. See no one. Walk to next gen. See no one. Walk to theird gen. See no one. No progress on gen either. And on until you hit the last gen and the first pops. Followed by the seccond one you checked just a little later.

That happens. That happens a lot. Stopped happening to me so much when I swapped to walking around the outside of the map instead of blining it between gens. Lot harder for survivors to go into full blend mode when they';re looking toward the middle routes between sections instead of the outside.

But now some games the first gen or two pop in places i haven't checked. Its influenced by RNG. Only way to make it not is to run lethal persuer. The strength of starting a chase out of the gate is too strong and stops the 4 survivors pop 1 gen immediately thing too.

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