Gender Critical | ContraPoints

"Ten seconds after she says feminity and feminine traits doesn't make you a woman, she goes on to say she throws femininity and feminine traits everywhere because that's what everyone agrees factors into making you a woman. "
You completely misunderstood that section of the video. Femininity and feminine traits do not 'factor into making you a woman' as you describe. There's a difference between what *makes* you a woman and what *signals to a stranger* that you're a woman. Wearing women's clothing can signal to people that you're a woman, and for a trans-woman this is important as you want to avoid being misgendered. With that being said, I'm a man, and if I put on women's clothing, I wouldn't be 'making myself a woman'. I can express my gender through typically masculine traits, but expressions of masculinity aren't what makes me a man.

She gets into this topic more in a different section of the video, where she uses the analogy of citizenship: punishing trans-women for using feminine traits to signal their gender to people is like punishing immigrants because you want to live in a world with open borders. It would be amazing if we lived in a world where no woman, trans or otherwise, had to conform to beauty standards or feminine norms, but we don't live in that world, and in the world we *do* live in, masculinity/femininity are useful ways to *express* your gender in public spaces.

For SidekicksnFlykicks, maybe it would be useful to think about gender identity from your own perspective. For you, what does it mean to be the gender that you are? I'm sure you'll be able to think of your manhood/womanhood in ways that a.) don't have to to with biology, and b.) aren't 'somewhat sexist'.

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