Gender Imbalance

it should be you can't it me I'm a human being who doesn't want to be hit

This is already common sense. Don't hit, because hitting causes far more problems than it solves in a modern society.

Since feminism has brought about a fairly gender equal society

This is utterly ludicrous, and frankly generally only believable to boys who have a 'grass is greener' mentality about female reality and no experience empathizing or supporting them. Just be a female in modern society and try to get taken seriously by a doctor, or be an educated female and try to do your job which involved telling males they've made a mistake or are wrong about things. It goes over like a ton of bricks.

Usually the 'girls are more equal' mentality comes from boys observing how they and other males defer to females they are physically attracted and flirtatious with. What guys don't understand is those girls are physically attractive because they have a beauty practice that usually takes hours per day out of their day for grooming. They undergo this beauty practice, because the only other option they have is to be not only ignored, but actively humiliated and ridiculed by both males and females for not 'being feminine' enough, or for being disgusting, etc. Most boys also do not understand the extremely tough standards of behavior women are expected to adhere to of agreeableness, friendliness, beauty, grace, and ultimate submission- failure to adhere to such putting them in the crosshairs for bullying and ridicule.

Just because you see guys being nice to the few girls who both have the time, energy and expertise to pull of their beauty routine and have a natural body form that puts them in the socially 'desirable' categories doesn't mean those experiences are remotely related to what women and girls in general experience. Feminism is about supporting all women, and about teaching both women and men not to be quite so hard on women who can't conform to incredibly taxing standards.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread