General Chat April 17 PM

Traveled over 36 hours home with my daughter to visit family. Was bombarded with “when are you having another” as soon as the wheels touched the ground.

Tomorrow should have been the day I would take a FRER but my period came early today, probably because all the traveling and time zone switching messed up my body.

Some family friends visited today. “When are you having another?” they said.

“Our first took quite awhile, it’s not as easy to have a baby as I was led to believe in health class in junior high,” I answered.

“Yes, it is,” piped up my 38-year-old sister, holding her 2-month old who was apparently conceived “completely accidentally” after “one dumb mistake without using a condom” with her relatively new boyfriend. I mean, I’m happy for her and everything, but like... is that really the most appropriate response to someone who is trying to shut down a conversation by implying we have ongoing fertility struggles?

/r/TryingForABaby Thread