General Discussion - March 27, 2020

Hi! So I’m here to vent quietly.. I am 31 years old and am graduating from college in May. Pretty cool right? I dropped out when I was 21 and basically did stupid shit through my 20s made a living serving-which is cool don’t get me wrong! Just not for me anymore... when I turned 30 I decided it was time to buck up and go back to college to finish my degree... I had two years left to go so here I am... finally.. ready to graduate after 10 + years and I won’t be able to have a graduation ceremony because of the corona virus.. I have literally dreamt about wearing a cap and gown and participating in a ceremony since I first went back last January and now I won’t be able to have the big acknowledgement from my classmates and professors and most of all my parents.

I went down a bit of a bad path for some time and really made a 180 degree turn the past couple years and my whole family is soooo proud of me and I really wanted my mom and dad to see me in the full get up and do the whole ceremony sheeebanggg shaaaboom...I didn’t think I would care but I honestly am really upset about it...

I know I’m still super proud of myself and soooo ecstatic for this huge accomplishment and can celebrate in some other ways but I just wanted to wear a cap and gown and throw my cap in the air and cry tears of joy as I received my diploma...

It also sucks that the rest of my classes are online so when I’m finally done I’ll be at home and it will be like WELP guess I’m done with college once and for all! While I’m sitting at my desk at home ha!

It’s a big bummer... but I get it.. shit happens and I’m grateful I have my health and have made it this far!

Thanks for listening! :)

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