General Discussion Thread: Lessons learned 2 weeks into MSG

Predicted Pirate Warrior would be top tier and it has lived up to my expectations for it. I thought hand-buff Paladin/Dopplegangster were going to be top tier but as of now I have not being able to find a list that makes it super consistent/top tier. Paladin seems to lack good early draw as well as early weapons in order to deal with aggro which is running rampant at the moment. Knew Reno Lock would make a rise to the top with additions of Kazakus/Abyssal Enforcer/Mistress of Mixtures/Second-Rate Bruiser. Felt like Shaman would still be good considering their power towards the end of the last season/cycle but didn't think of aggro shaman over-taking midrange so that was a bit of a surprise but can definitely see why now.

Legend on NA and EU

Aggro Shaman, Reno Lock, Pirate Warrior, Miracle Rogue

The Grimy Goons are "meh" because they have no immediate board impact. The meta is flooded with aggro and if you can't remove your opponents minions within 1-2 turns you probably don't win. Buffing minions in your hand doesn't affect the board instantly it just makes minions that haven't even hit the board yet stronger. They might not even make it to the board because you might just be dead before you can even play them.

Nothing too crazy, been running 1 Acidic Swamp Ooze in almost every deck and when it hits it hits hard.

As I mentioned before I thought Dopplegangster would be top tier or at least a lot better than I have seen it perform but it has been relatively disappointing as you either don't have enough time to buff it, or you don't draw in the correct order to have it come out in full swing consistently enough to see competitive play. I knew Patches would be good and an auto include in Pirate decks, but I did not expect nearly every deck to be running Patches(Warrior/Shaman/Rogue even Renolock [Lifecoach/SuperJJ])

/r/CompetitiveHS Thread