Genetic trash consumed by self-help. I want to live but life doesn't want me.

i worked so hard I stopped breathing without realizing it and whenever I took a 5 min break I was like "AHOOOOOHO! OMG HOOOOOOH" and then I went back to work.

Then I think my body started attacking itself because of the sheer stress of it cause I developed Thromboangitiis Obliterans which almost killed me.

I dont want to work ever again because it stresses me the fuck out.

I also don't really like money.. money stresses me the fuck out too. Basically he world itself.. captialism.. career... individualistic materialistic shit fuck society pisses em the fuck off. its cancer. it's just endless work work and when anyone is happy we demonize it cuz u know.. life is suffering it's not supposed to be a good thing.

/r/JordanPeterson Thread Parent