Genius chimes in on the Flu vaccine

You don’t take the flu shot: you’re putting yourself at risk.

That's literally not true at all. You are just as much putting others at risk by spreading the flu as you would any other viral illness.

Flu shots weren’t a thing 20 years ago!

20 years ago the child vaccine schedule was 8 shots total. Now its over 30. Are you also cool with parents not getting their kids those additional 22 shots then?

Further more, the flu shot hasn’t been much effective in recent years, so even people who died from it may have had the shot anyway!

Oh man, not as effective? Should we also not take other vaccines because they're not 100% effective?

Flu shots and measles shots are two COMPLETELY different things.

Yea, one of these two things is actually killing a lot of people in the US.

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