[Genuine] Female Normies, post something helpful here please.

A good start is to treat them like friends before trying to fuck them. Girls can sense if someone's trying to fuck them and are a lot more receptive to people just trying to be friends with them. Referring to people as Chad and Stacy screams incel who puts people into boxes rather than treating them as individuals.

See if you treat that girl as a friend, you might not get laid but she could introduce you to her friends; other girls. You're rushing to the goal of sex when you need to start with "having a healthy social life and overall outlook on the world".

If you think about a friendship with a girl as nothing more than a failure to get laid, you'll never get anywhere. Having female friends is really important because it makes you realise they aren't just sex vending machines and have individual thought processes etc.

Girls just want to have fun. Stacy fucks Chad because Chad is fun. If she didn't hook up with Chad, he wouldn't pussyache about it, he'd still be okay with having fun with her. Because getting laid isn't his only goal in life.

Girls will turn you down for any number of reasons so trying to fix them all won't get you anywhere. You're better off just looking to have a good time.

Here's every reason I can think of that has stopped me hooking up with someone:

I couldn't take his moustache seriously, he had the same name as my dad, he was trying too hard, I was trying to get with someone else, I was on my period, I didn't want to leave my friends because we were having a good time, I just broke up with my boyfriend and thought getting with someone that soon was a dick move, he was too drunk, I was too high.

And that's just all people I would have otherwise liked. Not including the ones I just had no attraction to. You can't control half that shit, it's all just random variables and timing. So stop trying, just aim to have fun. If it goes somewhere, great. If not: Oh no!! You had a good time!!! Seriously. Nothing to lose from not giving a fuck.

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