Genuine question for guilters

You don't know that he lied. You don't know that he's lying later. You make that assumption, and then prove the assumption by pointing to her death. Which is circular reasoning.

This whole sordid back and forth has been because you claim it’s impossible to know that Adnan is lying.

I’ve quoted Adnan’s words from Serial saying the ride request never happened. And you admit Hae cancelled the ride request. We have witnesses at school, and reports from two officers - one of which is a patrol officer with no skin in the game.

But we can’t even get close to acknowledging discrepancies between Adnan’s words and all the evidence stacked against it, because you then keep shifting the argument to “but it’s irrelevant because he never got the ride” or “if I don’t hear an audio recording I can’t be sure of what they said”

I’m leaving Hae’s death out of this. Just looking at what the witnesses say, what Adnan is reported to have said, and what he’s said in Serial.

It is blatantly obvious Adnan asked Hae for a ride. If you can’t see this, while arguing that Hae cancelled it, you are a lost cause.

Adnan is now saying he would never have asked her for a ride. And O Shea reports Adnan said something similar on 1 Feb.

Are you arguing that maybe Adnan forgot? And forgot he used to get rides with Hae to Best Buy before cousin pick up? Or are you just suggesting that it’s literally impossible to know anything unless you’re standing in the room while it’s happening?

/r/serialpodcast Thread Parent