Genuine question from a TBM

I am a combat veteran. It was hands down a horrible experience and I not only despise war, I despise the those that are responsible for sending people to war. Yet, I read everything I can get my hands on about the War I was a part of. Some of this is the old cliche on learning history so you will not relive history. But the other reason is, while I hated it and found the experience to horrible, it is a part of who I am now - I cannot deny it. The same applies with leaving the Church. I think we can all agree how central the Church is/was to our lives. Good or bad, it contributes to shaping who we are. So, in order to not repeat the horrible experiences while in the church, folks stay on top of the history so it would not repeat itself in their lives. Plus, staying on current with something that had such a profound impact on a life helps gain additional insight on who we really are.....At least this is my take

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